What is a ronda?
Depending on the context, the word ronda may have different meanings. In the Castilian tradition, it refers to a group of people who come together to sing and play traditional music, usually on the occasion of some popular event or celebration. Until the twentieth century, it was usually made of men of the same draft (year of military service) and/or with family ties. Only in recent decades have women began to join rondas, but there are still male-only rondas, and there are also some female-only rondas.
What is a rondalla and how is it different from a ronda?
A rondalla is a specific type of ronda characterized by the use of string instruments (guitar, bandurria, violin, lute) and percussion instruments (tambourine, castanets), and for meeting formally to give concerts. The ronda is usually more informal and does not usually give concerts.
Christmas rondas in Cifuentes
In the first half of the twentieth century, in Cifuentes (Guadalajara) there were several people known for maintaining the tradition of singing carols in Christmas (December 8 to January 6), generally learnt from their parents and/or grandparents, and transmitted to their children/grandchildren. In the 60s and 70s, several Christmas rondas emerged from groups of young men with family and/or friendship ties.
The Ronda Los Carrozas
In the 90s, as a result of the recovery and promotion of several Christmas songs by the rondalla of Cifuentes and its folk group Ajedrea, the Ronda Los Carrozas was formally constituted. One of the reasons was the call to participate in the contests of traditional Christmas rondas that began to be held in the Alcarria. The original nucleus of about ten men began to incorporate new members from family and friends, exceeding 30 members and becoming known in the region.
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