Are we professional musicians?

One of the characteristics of traditional rondas is that only very rarely members will be true professional musicians. Normally, a ronda is just made up of friends getting together to enjoy music during their free time, when their family or professional tasks allow for it. Each person in a traditional ronda carries behind a different professional life. This entry to the blog will give you a general overview of our professions, in an attempt to demonstrate that being musicians, in our case, is not a career in itself, but a mere result from dedication to two relevant aspects in our free time: (1) preserve cultural traditions (i.e., our intangible heritage), and (2) enjoy good moments with our family and friends. Yep, it is as simple as that! So, as you will see, just amongst the 16 of us going to New Mexico, and out from the almost 40 persons informally gathering for the Ronda Los Carrozas every year for Christmas at Cifuentes, we have a really wide variety of professional bac...