Between Santa Fe and Tularosa we enjoyed spectacular panoramic landscapes. The previous day had been exhausting : early wake up, breakfast, transfer to the senior center, presentation, lunch, trip to Abiquiu, presentation, dinner, trip to Santa Fe and intensive night visit, ending up with a late bedding down. So it was not surprising that many members of the group fell asleep like little angels in the almost 4 hours of travel we had to Tularosa. When we woke up that same morning, outside it was... -9ºC! (16ºF) We were impressed by those roads with tens of kilometers of pure straight stretch. The anecdote of that morning: technical stop to not pee. Zambomba and cazalla, road companions ... David Greenwald, historian and archaeologist of Tularosa, had recommended that, if we had time during the trip, we should visit some petroglyphs along the way before arriving, so there we went. Carved on volcanic rock, there were many of them all around. ...